In this nine month program, we will explore the profound time of transition and transformation that we are in individually and collectively. We will learn how to align with the energies of the Earth and sky to move into higher states of consciousness and into the new paradigms of the Aquarian Age. The Aquarian Age is about rebalancing the energies of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, regaining our connection to the wisdom and love of the cosmos and opening to new collaborative, compassionate, just and creative ways of being and relating to others. It is also about the remembrance that we are energy beings. We are soul selves having a human, embodied experience. 

We will work with the archetypes of the Sun, Moon and planets and how these energies live within us. We will learn the chakra and body associations of each of the planets and luminaries as well as of the signs of the zodiac. We will then learn shamanic and energetic ways to clear and balance the chakras and energy field and ways to support us in healing and moving into higher states of consciousness. We will also discuss how we can work with plant and animal allies for healing, guidance and transformation. 

As we learn how to be in attunement and alignment with the energies of the Earth and sky, we are able to heal and expand our consciousness and support the healing of the Earth and of our world.  

We will meet for class on Zoom once each month, and you will also be given instructional videos and reading materials each month as well as practices that you can use to strengthen your relationship with the planetary energies and shamanic techniques to clear and strengthen your chakras. We will meet one Saturday a month for a 90 minute class to discuss and deepen your connections with the planets, st

ars and archetypal energies. And this will be followed by a 90 minute chart interpretation session in small groups to see how these energies are at work in your chart and in your life.

Program schedule: September 2023 – June 2024

Dates of class sessions and chart interpretation sessions:

Sep 30* (class only), Nov 4, Dec 9, Jan 13, Feb 10, March 9, April 13, May 11, June 8

Saturday classes: 11am -12:30pm EST

Chart interpretation sessions (in small groups): 1pm – 2:30pm EST (beginning Nov 4)

Co-facilitator for chart interpretation sessions:

Juliet Sinisterra, astrologer and shamanic practitioner

Please note: The classes will be recorded so that if you need to miss one, you can view it afterwards. 

Class size: 20 (

maximum) (12 minimum)

Cost: $2900 (to be paid in full or in monthly installments: deposit: $290; monthly payments $290/month

For more information or to register, please contact Heather (

 For more information — contact Heather

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