Re-membering and Re-Integrating

the Wisdom of the Sacred Feminine to Come into Wholeness

In this 9 month mystery school program for women, we will explore some of the archetypes and myths of ancient Sacred Feminine wisdom and discover how these Goddesses and archetypes can support us in healing and coming into the wholeness of who we are. This program will include how we can deepen our understanding of these archetypes of the Sacred Feminine through mythology, astrology, dreams, meditation, shamanic journeying and ceremony. We will discover how they live within us and can guide us in this time of transformation into the Aquarian Age. As we come into harmony and wholeness within ourselves, we can help to co-create a new Earth that is in balance and harmony with the Consciousness of the Cosmos. Included will be:

Isis — healing and wholeness

Gaia — Hathor – Haumea — sacred embodiment

Inanna — the journey of transformation

Sekhmet — justice, truth and righteous anger

Lilith – Eris/Xena — integrating sacred sexuality

Sedna – spiritual initiation and opening to the oneness of all that is

Nut – embracing infinity

Ma’at – Quaoar — coming into harmony – singing our soul song


Dates: Sep 14, Oct 12, Nov 9, Dec 7, 2024; Jan 11, Feb 8, March 8,

April 12, May 10, 2025 — Saturdays 1-4pm EST


Group size: 20 maximum (15 minimum)

Cost: $3000 ($300 deposit required to register)

For more information or to register, contact Heather

 For more information — contact Heather

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