FULL MOON – February 24, 2024

FULL MOON BLESSINGS - February 24, 2024   Blessings to all of you as we move into the time of this full Moon in Virgo on February 24th. This is a powerful time as we are also experiencing the conjunction of Mars and Venus in Aquarius close to Pluto. They will be beautifully visibly coming together in the eastern [...]

Facing the Light and Dark within Us

LUNAR CYCLE – November 2020 By Heather Ensworth As we move into this new lunar cycle, the new Moon is in the sign of Scorpio, calling us to dive deep and to face the shadow aspects of ourselves. What is buried within us does not disappear but often controls us or binds us in unconscious [...]


LUNAR CYCLE - June 2021 By Heather Ensworth   This solar eclipse on June 10th follows the lunar eclipse on May 26th. It is a powerful eclipse with the new Moon and Sun next to Mercury, which is retrograde (from about May 31st through June 23rd). When Mercury is retrograde, it is a call to turn inward and reflect [...]

Swimming in Neptunian Energy

SEPTEMBER - OCTOBER 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth These are stormy times. We mourn as we see the west coast of the United States in flames and watch as a hurricane moves toward the northern Gulf coast.  Increasingly more and more, we are seeing the impact of climate change and of own destructive choices in damaging our Earth [...]

Living from the Heart with Courage and Creativity

AUGUST-SEPTEMBER 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth These are challenging times that we are all navigating right now as we deal with the Covid-19 pandemic and the political, social and economic turmoil in the world.  In this intense time of transition, we are being asked to face the shadow side of ourselves -- individually and collectively.  Individually, we need [...]

Weighing our Choices

JULY - AUGUST 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth Today, on July 20, 2020, we begin a new lunar cycle with the New Moon at 28 degrees of Cancer (in the tropical zodiac).  The meaning of this degree in the Sabian symbols (for each degree of the zodiac) is about weighing alternatives, making choices.     What we choose and [...]

Creativity arising from a time of Chaos

JUNE - JULY 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth   written by Heather Ensworth   On June 20th, we celebrate the time of the summer solstice, the day of the longest light and shortest night, and then on June 21st, we honor the new Moon and solar eclipse.  This will be an annular solar eclipse that will be visible [...]

Birthing New Ways of Being

MAY - JUNE 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth   written by Heather Ensworth   Today, we begin a new lunar cycle with the Sun and New Moon in the stars of Taurus near the Pleiades.  In Hermetic and other spiritual traditions, the Pleiades are thought to be a source of higher consciousness and of the wisdom of the [...]

Unity in the Midst of Diversity

APRIL - MAY 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth On April 22nd, we begin a new lunar cycle with the Sun and Moon conjunct Uranus and with Mercury close by in the stars of Pisces.  The Sun and Moon are in the"sacred knot" near the star Al Risha where the cords come together that hold the tails of the [...]

The Living Waters of Wisdom

FEBRUARY - MARCH 2020 LUNAR CYCLE  By Heather Ensworth On February 23rd, we begin a new lunar cycle with the Sun, Moon, Mercury and Neptune all in the stars of Aquarius in the sky.* Aquarius is the Water-Bearer pouring the jar of the living waters of wisdom towards the Earth.  We are entering into the Age of Aquarius, which [...]

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