The Currents of Transformation

LUNAR CYCLE - MAY 2018 By Heather Ensworth We enter a new lunar cycle on May 15th (7:48 am EDT).  In native traditions here in North America, this is the Full Flower Moon and is associated with the increasing fertility of the Earth in this time of spring in the northern hemisphere.  In the southern hemisphere, it is associated [...]

Holding the Wholeness

LUNAR CYCLE --  MAY 2018 written by Heather Ensworth As we enter this new lunar cycle on April 15th, do you find yourself feeling unsettled, agitated, angry or feeling depressed or experiencing a range of intense emotions? Or perhaps you feel as if you are burning off patterns from the past, deepening in your awareness and feeling an increasing [...]

Water and Fire

LUNAR CYCLE -  MARCH - APRIL 2018 WATER AND FIRE by Heather Ensworth      We live in a world that is oriented towards action, and too often we judge our value by what we have accomplished.  We emphasize doing over being. When we meet someone new, we ask what they do rather than who they are or [...]

Co-Creators with the Cosmos

LUNAR CYCLE -  FEBRUARY - MARCH 2018 CO-CREATING WITH THE COSMOS by Heather Ensworth       True freedom is not the absence of fear, challenges or obstacles in your path -- it is the ability to choose how you respond.  (Heather Ensworth) Courage is the willingness to be afraid and to act any way. (Author unknown) Many of us [...]


LUNAR CYCLE -  NOVEMBER - DECEMBER 2017 IS YOUR HEART AS LIGHT AS A FEATHER? by Heather Ensworth      This morning, I watched the sunrise as the Moon and Sun came together in sacred union at this time of the New Moon (November 18, 6:42am EST).   Just before sunrise, Jupiter and Venus glowed beside each other low [...]

Living from the Heart with Courage – July/August Lunar Cycle

JULY - AUGUST LUNAR CYCLE LIVING FROM THE HEART WITH COURAGE By Heather Ensworth We are more powerful than we realize. We are beings of light and love with the capacity together to co-create a new reality. We are in a time of profound transformation as we move into a new Age and are being bathed in energies from [...]

Threshold Point

LUNAR CYCLE -  July 2018 TRESHOLD POINT by Heather Ensworth        The sky is constantly changing and gifts us with its beauty and speaks to us in the synchronicity of the patterns formed with the Sun, Moon, planets and stars.  "As above, so below."   This lunar cycle is extremely powerful and significant.  It begins with a [...]

Watched Over and Guided by the Cosmos (February/March 2017 Lunar Cycle)

Article Summary First line of text goes here. Keep it short and sweet. Second line of text. Second line of text. Second line of text. Third line of text. Numbered formatting is optional by Heather Ensworth As we begin this new lunar cycle on February 26th (10am EST), we are also celebrating the discovery of [...]

A Time of Awakening (January/February 2017 Lunar Cycle)

Article Summary First line of text goes here. Keep it short and sweet. Second line of text. Second line of text. Second line of text. Third line of text. Numbered formatting is optional by Heather Ensworth "That which is sacred can not be harmed" "The World Tree is burning"   These words and this image [...]

What Do We Believe? What is True? (January 2017 Lunar Cycle)

Article Summary First line of text goes here. Keep it short and sweet. Second line of text. Second line of text. Second line of text. Third line of text. Numbered formatting is optional by Heather Ensworth What is it we believe? What is true for us? What is really true? The energy of this new [...]

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