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Welcome to the Aquarian Shamanic Astrology Class! 

In this class, you will learn about the profound time of transition and transformation that we are in individually and collectively.  You will learn also how to align with the energies of the Earth and sky to move into higher states of consciousness and into the new paradigms of the Aquarian Age. The Aquarian Age is about rebalancing the energies of the Sacred Feminine and Sacred Masculine, regaining our connection to the wisdom and love of the cosmos and opening to new collaborative, compassionate, just and creative ways of being and relating to others. It is also about the remembrance that we are energy beings. We are soul selves having a human, embodied experience.

As you progress through the class, you will be learning how to work with the archetypes of the Sun, Moon and planets and how these energies live within us. You will also learn the chakra and body associations of each of the planets and luminaries as well as of the signs of the zodiac. You will be supported in practicing shamanic and energetic ways to clear and balance the chakras and energy field and ways to support you in healing and moving into higher states of consciousness.

As you discover how to be in attunement and alignment with the energies of the Earth and sky, you will be supported in healing and expanding your consciousness and then able to be part of the healing of our world and the co-creation of a new Earth.