By Heather Ensworth
Our new lunar cycle begins on October 27th (11:38 pm EDT) as the New Moon and Sun lie between the constellations of Virgo and Libra. They are in a liminal space, not really in one constellation or the other. In the tropical zodiac, the New Moon and Sun carry the energy of Scorpio, the deep waters of transformation.
![]() Change happens in the liminal spaces. These are the times when the old patterns are crumbling but the new forms have not yet emerged. It is much like the caterpillar dissolving in the crysalis. It has lost its identity as a caterpillar but has yet to re-form into the butterfly.
Our world is in a time of tumult and dissolving. The powerful energies of Pluto and Saturn are breaking down the old forms. Uranus is shattering patterns that are out of balance and no longer serve us, and Neptune is dissolving our old ways of being and calling us to surrender and be willing to melt like the caterpillar. It is only as we are willing to dissolve into the mystery and the time of not-knowing that we are able to heal and be re-shaped into the new paradigms of the Age of Aquarius that we are moving into.
As we move into the time of the Full Moon, the Moon is now in the sky near the stars of Taurus and right by the head of the whale of Cetus, whis is in the part of the sky known as “The Waters.”
![]() In the sky now, far out in space, but also in the stars of Cetus is the recently discovered dwarf planet Sedna. The Full Moon lies close to the placement of Sedna in the sky, although Sedna lies much further out in the solar system, in the depths of dark space.
Sedna was named after the Inuit goddess of the deep sea. The Inuit story of Sedna is a profound story of death/rebirth. In this ancient tale, a young Inuit maiden sets out on a journey of initiation. Her father, angry that she has left home and the traditional ways, tracks her down and tries to force her to return with him. Forcing her into his boat, he sets off to return to the village. Raven, the shaman, who has been teaching Sedna and guiding her on her spiritual path, stirs up a wild storm with turbulent waves and wind. The father, fearing for his life, throws Sedna out of the boat in an effort to appease Raven. Sedna, struggles in the waves and tries to cling to the boat, her only sense of security in the storm. But her father strikes her hands with his paddle in his desperation to save his own life. Sedna finally surrenders and sinks, diving deep into the sea. She dissolves, becoming more expansive and fluid. She is welcomed in the deep waters by the whales and seals. She loses her identity as she has known it and becomes the Goddess of the deep sea, at one with the ocean, fish and with the wisdom of the depths.
![]() Sedna reminds us to not be afraid. Instead, we are called to hear the song of the whales and dive deep. We are encouraged to remember the wisdom of the Sacred Feminine and of the deep waters that remind us that we are part of the oneness of all that is. As we allow ourselves to dissolve, we open to new ways of being. We become one with the sea, with Source and with the consciousness of the Cosmos. It as we let go of our fears and dive deep beneath the waves and wind that we find peace and the stillness of the depths and dissolve into the unity of all that is.
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— Sky Watch for this Month —
Mercury– is barely visible at sunset, low on the horizon in the western sky
Venus – is an evening star and is visible after sunset in the western sky
Mars– is visible in the morning in the eastern sky just before sunrise
Jupiter– is visible low in the western sky after sunset
Saturn – is visible in the western sky after sunset and is just above Jupiter