FULL MOON – February 24, 2024
Blessings to all of you as we move into the time of this full Moon in Virgo on February 24th. This is a powerful time as we are also experiencing the conjunction of Mars and Venus in Aquarius close to Pluto. They will be beautifully visibly coming together in the eastern morning sky before sunrise. In their uniting with each other, they are supporting us in reweaving the energies of the Sacred Masculine and Sacred Feminine and coming into balance within ourselves to support our re-integrating these archetypal energies on our collective consciousness.
As we move into this full moon, we also are experiencing Chiron conjunct the north node, supporting us individually and collectively in healing. As we see the increasing signs of the shadow aspects of humanity in our world (with war, violence, reactivity and destruction), we are called to heal the shadow aspects in ourselves in order to support the healing of the world. What we don’t deal with within ourselves, we tend to act out or project onto others.
The Sabian symbol (meaning) of this full Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo is “finding our balance in the midst of emotional turbulence.” It is critical in this time of increasing turmoil, polarization and chaos in the world, that we go within and find that place of stillness within us and align with our higher selves so that we can emanate the energies of love, peace and healing in the world. We each have that responsibility and choice — to heal ourselves in order to support the healing of the world.
The Kuiper belt object Gonggong is also powerfully present at the time of this full Moon as it is exactly conjunct the Sun and opposite the Moon. It speaks to us of the importance of releasing our attachment to our egos, so that we can live from our soul selves and move into the higher consciousness of the Age of Aquarius.
As we heal and come more fully into our hearts and live from this higher consciousness, then we support the healing and awakening in the world. This is a profound time on the planet when we have the capacity to transmute into homo-luminous ones and co-create together a world filled with beauty, harmony, love and peace.
The video below gives more information about this powerful full Moon and how we can move more fully into these energies of higher consciousness individually and collectively.
Blessings and love, Heather