Transformation and Transmutation
By Heather Ensworth
On November 26, 2019, we begin a new lunar cycle. We are entering more deeply into the dark time of the year here in the northern hemisphere. Our new Moon is in the sky (conjunct the Sun) in the stars of Scorpius, the Scorpion. Ancient cultures saw this constellation as the portal into the underworld, the place of deep transformation.
The new Moon and Sun are in the head of the Scorpion near the royal star, Antares. Antares guides us through times of transition and transformation and helps us to see these intense times as an alchemical process, helping us to burn away what no longer serves us to enter into new ways of being. However, if we don’t work with these energies consciously, we can get caught in fear and emotional turmoil. The new Moon and Sun are in aspect (in a trine) with Chiron, calling us to heal and to trust that the tumult that we are in is a time of transition and rebirth rather than resisting it and seeing it only as chaos or crisis. The underworld darkness that we are guided into in this time is one of death/rebirth.
We are still in the energies of Saturn conjunct Pluto guiding us to let go of old patterns and paradigms that are out of balance, corrupt, unjust or destructive. Again, if we are not working with these transits consciously, we will tend to cling to the old forms with even more intensity, seeing these old patterns as the source of our security. But these old paradigms need to die to allow us individually and collectively to move into new more balanced and healthy ways of being.
The asteroid Ceres, symbolic of the Earth Mother, is now next to the south lunar node and is squaring Chiron. This configuration is helping us to realize that it is only as we heal and let go of these destructive patterns that we are able to support the healing of the Earth. As I write this newsletter, huge storms are hitting the west coast and moving across the country here in the US. Around the world, we are seeing increasing intense storms and unusual weather patterns. The Earth
![]() Also, there is increasing evidence that we are moving through a
![]() Next to the new Moon and Sun is the asteroid Pallas Athene. This asteroid is reminding us to listen to our intuition and our spiritual guidance to help us through this intense time. We can not think or rationalize our way through this time of change. We need to listen to our inner knowing and the wisdom coming to us from the creative consciousness of the cosmos.
![]() The full Moon is also over the constellation Orion, symbolic of the
![]() Remember that we can not see the outcome of this transformational process but need to trust the process and know that we are being held and guided through this death/rebirth. The Sun is now in the stars of Ophiuchus at the foot of the great healer who holds the understanding of
![]() Take time during this powerful lunar cycle to tune into what needs to change and be transformed in your life. In what ways are you living in survival mode rather than listening to your deeper purpose and being in alignment with your soul self? How are you caught in fear and fighting to cling to familiar patterns even though you know that these behaviors or thoughts are holding you back and blocking you from your true self? How are you acting, thinking or speaking in ways that are destructive to yourself, to others and to the Earth? How are you honoring your inner light? How are you listening to your dreams, intuition and the wisdom of your soul self?
Honor the Moon as she moves through this lunar cycle, and take time, especially at the phase of the full Moon to honor the Sun as moves into alignment with the galactic center. Call in the energy of the Sun to fill you with its healing light, and honor the central Sun (our Source, the galactic center) as it radiates these powerful energies guiding us through this cauldron of healing, transformation, transmutation and rebirth.
— Sky Watch for this Month —
Mercury– is visible at sunrise, low on the horizon in the eastern sky
Venus – is an evening star and is visible after sunset in the western sky
Mars– is visible in the morning in the eastern sky just before sunrise
Jupiter– is visible low in the western sky after sunset
Saturn – is visible in the western sky after sunset and is just above Jupiter