The Currents of Transformation
By Heather Ensworth
We enter a new lunar cycle on May 15th (7:48 am EDT). In native traditions here in North America, this is the Full Flower Moon and is associated with the increasing fertility of the Earth in this time of spring in the northern hemisphere. In the southern hemisphere, it is associated with the deepening of autumn and is called the Frost Moon.
As we honor this new lunar cycle, the Sun and new Moon are in the stars of Taurus close to the Pleiades. This new Moon in Taurus is helping us to stay grounded as we move through this intense time of change. We experience this new Moon one day before Uranus moves from the sign of Aries into Taurus. This is a profound transition that signals increased Earth changes as well as shifts in our financial systems. Uranus is a powerful change agent that carries the energy of justice, attempting to free us from patterns that are out of balance or corrupt or unfair to move us into new more just and equitable ways of being. So, as Uranus moves into Taurus, we may experience turbulence in our global economy, but the deeper purpose of this is to guide us into more balanced, just and fair ways of being in relationship with each other and with the Earth, and in our financial systems and our values.

The new Moon and Sun are opposite Jupiter in the sky and also in aspect to Pluto. Jupiter is in the stars of Libra, at the fulcrum of the Scales. We are guided to
have faith and to live in right balance and right relationship with ourselves, each other and the Earth. We are being guided to remember that we are held in the support of the energies of the cosmos as we move through this time of transition. The new Moon and Sun by the stars of Pleiades remind us that these are the stars spoken of in ancient myths as the source of support and solace.

In many ancient cultures, the stars of the Pleiades represented those who were fleeing danger and were placed in the sky for safety and refuge. The Mayans believed that their ancestors came from the Pleiades and that they would one day return from these stars. Other prophecies speak of these stars as the source of aid for us in this time of transformation. In ancient Tibetan and Indian traditions, the Pleiades were seen as a source of guidance and help in times of need. The book of Revelations in the Bible describes the return of Christ with these seven stars in his right hand. The book of Enoch refers to these stars as the cradle of human consciousness and the source of our guidance into new paradigms and a higher level of cosmic consciousness.
At this time of the new Moon, take time in nature to ground yourself and honor the Pleiades, the source of our protection and guidance in this time. Do not get pulled into fear or anxiety about the future. Trust in the energies that are holding us and supporting us through this time of change. Remember that we are being guided into being more in balance and moving into new more just and equitable ways of being in our global community. This is a time when we are expanding our consciousness and opening to a higher level of love and wisdom and a sense of oneness with all that is.
On May 16th, take time to honor Uranus and this shift of its energy from the sign of Aries to Taurus. This transition also brings support for us to manifest new forms, new paradigms and ways of being. Let this new Moon be a time to honor your creativity, to dream about living in a more just and balanced world and to envision how you might live your life in a way that would allow you to thrive and express your full creativity and uniqueness.

The Sun is opposite the Full Moon and is still in the stars of Taurus near the
Pleaides, and both the Full Moon and Sun are in aspect to Neptune in the stars of Aquarius. Neptune is in the part of the Water Bearer as he pours the living waters of love and wisdom to us on the Earth. The sky is showing us that we are being held in this love and in the currents of living water that are carrying us into this next phase in our evolution individually and collectively.

Neptune, Jupiter and Venus are now in a grand trine in the sky. We are also being supported in finding relationships that are nurturing to us emotionally and spiritually. The Hopi speak of this as a time when we are moving in these currents and into new ways of being. The elders tell us:
There is a river flowing now very fast. It is so great and swift that there are those who will be afraid. They will try to hold on to the shore. They will feel they are torn apart and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination. The elders say we must let go of the shore, push off into the middle of the river, keep our eyes open, and our heads above water. And I say, see who is in there with you and celebrate. At this time in history, we are to take nothing personally, least of all ourselves.

Let yourself be carried by the currents of this river of living waters flowing from the sky. Know that you are in a time of profound change. You are not alone. You are being held by the healing and loving energies of Source, guided by the stars and supported by those moving in the currents of the river with you. As the Hopi elders say: We are the ones that we have been waiting for. We may not know the destination, but we can trust the currents of change and the cosmic energies that are carrying us.
At this time of the Full Moon, if you are feeling fear, take a ritual bath. Walk by the ocean and attune to the power and energy of the source of our life on this Earth and how it mirrors the Galactic Source and center of our universe. As the Jewish rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said: “awe is the beginning of wisdom.”
Awe is more than an emotion; it is a way of understanding, insight into a meaning greater than ourselves. The beginning of awe is wonder, and the beginning of wisdom is awe. (Heschel, 1965)
When we let go of our need for control, our longing for certainty and our competition with each other, we open to compassion, to stillness and to trust. We may feel surrounded by chaos and caught in our own confusion and uncertainty, but in attuning to these energies of this lunar cycle and this Full Moon, we are able to open to a sense of wonder and celebrate the mystery and beauty of this profound time of change.
— Sky Watch for this Month —
Mercury – rises before the Sun and may be barely visible before sunrise; Mercury is now direct
Venus – is not visible as she circles behind the Sun. She will return as an evening star at the beginning of March 2018.
Mars – is visible in the eastern morning sky before sunrise.
Jupiter – is visible in the eastern sky just before sunrise and is close to Mars during this lunar cycle.
Saturn – is visible in the eastern sky low on the horizon before sunrise