

VIDEO :: Navigating this Time of Transition: Guided by the Planets and Stars

This video discusses the transition that we are in with the global pandemic and as we move into the Age of Aquarius. Saturn has now entered the sign of Aquarius and with Uranus in Taurus is guiding us in how to increase our spiritual consciousness, heal and prepare to move into new ways of being. Resources are also offered at the end of the video that can support us in this time -- physically, emotionally and spiritually.

VIDEO :: COVID-19 and our Planet: A Time for Healing and Transformation

This video is a follow up to my earlier video "Astrology and the Meaning of the Coronavirus" and focuses on the planetary influence of the dwarf planet Eris/Xena which is guiding us in this time of reflection, healing and transformation into new paradigms and new ways of being in our lives individually and collectively.

VIDEO :: Astrology and the meaning of the Coronavirus

This video is describes how astrology can help us to understand the deeper meaning of what we are experiencing globally at this time with the coronavirus pandemic as well as how to navigate this intense time with consciousness and compassion.

VIDEO :: Shifting Consciousness, Earth Changes — Choice Point

We are in the powerful transition from one 24,000 year precessional cycle to the next and the end of the 6000 year Kali Yuga. It is a powerful time for transformation and for increasing our consciousness for our own healing and the healing of the Earth.

VIDEO :: Important Transits of 2020

2020 is a powerful year in which Pluto comes into a conjunction with both Saturn and Jupiter, calling us to let go of the paradigms of the past and move into the paradigms of the Aquarian Age.

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